
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fast Weight Loss

Fast Weight Loss Tips
1)Calculate how many calories your body needs to consume to maintain your current weight.This is called maintenance calories.(Google with“calorie needs”and you will be a few different computers,help you to find them)
Deduct 2)initially 10%(up to a maximum of 500kcal)of the total maintenance calories.Drastically reduce your calories into muscle and cause loss of water-not fat.
3)Divide calories more than 5 or 6 meals instead of 2 or 3,you should try to eat every 3-4 hours.
4)Cut all eat simple carbohydrates(except immediately after exercise,whole grains,fiber-rich foods.)
5)Exercise at least 3 times a week is cardio 30 minutes to a reasonable degree of intensity.This will help to create calorie deficit and encourage your body to lose fat.
6)Make a simple replacement of your diet,a sweetener instead of sugar,diet drinks instead of full sugar beverages,use lean meat,etc.At first these changes can be difficult,but you get used to it and make important Save calories each day.
7)Drink plenty of water-at least 2 liters of water a day-if you are dehydrated,your body will be less effective and more difficult for fat loss.
8)Try to eat low carb(complex only!),Low-fat and moderate protein.From my experience from the South Beach Diet is excellent.
9)Keep a food diary,how many calories you eat screen-it is very easy to eat.
10)In addition to diet can make fat loss.A diet that is rich in protein to maintain muscle(more muscle means an increase of metabolism).There are also some fat loss supplements available that can help metabolism,this is known as your metabolism is by prolonged diet slowly recovered.
This article is written from a user experience.She have lost 20 pounds of fat and gained 20 pounds of muscle.Her body fat is 11%.Please consult a physician for proper medical advice.

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