
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hair care

Dandruff is a scalp disease. Some forms of dandruff can cause sever itching and when one scratches the scalp to relive itching, further damage is caused. Dandruff as well as other bacterial and fungal infections of the scalp can be cured, but very often people get resigned to living with mild forms of dandruff and overlook the necessity of having it treated. If you bring about a change in your diet and living habits, consume more fresh foods and drink plenty of water, you will be tackling the problem at the grass roots.
Herbs like henna, shikaki, reetha and amla are antiseptic ingredients provided by nature and have a wonderful cleansing action, without the harmful effects of detergents. Light oil massage often helps to dislodge the dandruff flakes, though there is a myth about the effectiveness of head massage. In actuality, when there is hair loss, a vigorous massage can cause more hair to fall, as the roots are already weak. Besides, it can damage the hair shaft. The scalp should be massaged gently. The finger tips should be used to move the skin of the scalp in small circulatory movements.

A light massage with hot oil helps to rid the scalp of the flakes. Pure coconut oil or olive oil can be heated and applied on the scalp with a gentle massage a night. It should be left overnight. Next morning the juice of one lemon should be applied an hour before shampooing. This can be a good weekly treatment for the scalp.

Henna is a natural product that also helps to control dandruff infections. Henna powder mixed with 1 tbsp of yoghurt, few drops of lemon juice and water, applied on the scalp and left for at least 2 hrs, helps in controlling dandruff and improving the texture of the hair.
Henna promotes hair growth, restores health and also conditions hair to a luxuriant, shiny, soft texture. It has an effective cleansing action, getting rid of toxic wastes that accumulate on the scalp, inhibiting natural hair growth.
Where the dandruff is concerned, there is a great necessity to keep the hair, combs, towels and pillow cases absolutely clean, as there are chances of re-infections. Dandruff can be infectious and one should keep personal belongings separate, so that chances of infecting others are eliminated. Whenever you wash your hair, soak your brushes and combs in a mug of hot water containing an antiseptic solution.
What many do not know is that dandruff can cause skin problems like pimples, acne or rash. Those prone to dandruff often have spots and pimples on the forehead or cheeks and on the

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