
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Health And Fitness Information

1.Lowers blood pressure,triglycerides and total cholesterol.Exercise also increases HDL("good" cholesterol),while decreasing LDL("bad"cholesterol),and keeps your blood flowing smoothly by lowering the buildup of plaque in your arteries.
2.Decreases your risk of both heart disease and stroke–the #1 and #3 killers.This includes lowering your chances of developing coronary heart disease(CHD),having a heart attack,stoke,second heart attack or dying from CHD or stroke.
3.Helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.You not only burn calories during exercise,but it can speed up your metabolism for as long as 12 hours or more.Regular exercise helps you lose weight more easily and keep it off permanently.
4.Lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Exercise reduces your chance of getting diabetes,the severity of the disease and long-term risk of complications by improving blood sugar metabolism,insulin sensitivity and body weight.
5.Decreases stress and increase happiness.Physical activity boosts the release of endorphins–the“happy hormones”that help you to feel good.In the process it lessens depression,anxiety,sleep problems and feelings of being"stressed out."
6.Reduces your risk of developing certain types of cancer.Regular exercise has been shown to help protect against the development of colon cancer,by 30–50%,and other cancers,such as breast,prostate,uterus and lung cancer.
7.Helps build and maintain healthy bones,muscles,and joints.Strength training and other forms of exercise improve your bone density and endurance.This helps slow down the aging process and lowers your chance of developing osteoporosis.
8.Increases utilization of nutrition.While stress interferes with digestion,physical activity improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients from food.It also promotes healthy elimination of toxins through sweat glands and prevention of constipation.
9.Strengthens organs,especially lungs and heart.When your heart and lungs work more efficiently,you breathe easier and have more energy to do the things you enjoy.
10.Can be fun and entertaining.Exercise doesn't have to be drudgery.Choose activities that you enjoy or can learn to like.Just get physical–if you're moving,it counts.
All the above health benefits of exercise are yours for as little as thirty minutes input a day.It doesn't have to be anything extreme–just find your goove and move.

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