
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Facial skin care tips

If you have oily skin, you know it. You have a tendency to break out with pimples and blackheads. You have shiny patches on your face and spend a fortune on powder to tone them down. You try all kinds of harsh products guaranteed to help your oily skin and prevent breakouts, only to find out these products cause more problems. So what is a woman with oily skin to do?

The very first thing you need to do is relax! Studies have shown that stress causes acne and breakouts. It is not easy to minimize stress in our busy lives, but do what you can. You would be surprised how little changes, like getting enough sleep, getting a massage once a week, taking a daily walk or talking on the phone to someone who makes you laugh will help you relieve stress.

The next thing to do is start a good skin care routine and follow it religiously. Incorporate this routine into your life and your skin will thank you by behaving. You need to cleanse, tone, exfoliate and moisturize that oily skin to get the best results.

Cleansing is the single most important step in taking care of skin. It needs to be done twice a day, and never, never go to bed with your makeup on, no matter how tired you are. Cleansing reduces bacteria on your face and keeps pores open. Use a gentle cleanser, and never use soap. Soap will dry out your skin. Always wash your hands before beginning your cleansing routine. Cleansers are actually comprised of three parts, oil, water and surfactants. Each of these components has a job. The oil in the cleanser dissolves oil on the surface of your face. The surfactants dissolve everything else such as dirt and makeup, and the water washes it all away.

Start by lathering the cleanser in your hands. Then, massage it gently on your face for a minute or so. Rinse several times to remove all traces of dirt and any leftover cleanser.

Toner is basically used to make our pores contract. This makes them smaller and less likely to produce oil. Toners cool the skin, which is a refreshing sensation. Toners come in a wide variety, from fresheners, toners, clarifyers and astringents. Fresheners are the mildest, and astringents are the strongest. Start with a mild freshener and advance down the line until you get the results you are comfortable with. Most women do not need to use astringents, however, these are usually reserved for teenagers in the throes of puberty.

Exfoliating should only be done once a week, after cleansing and before toning. Every three weeks, our skin renews itself by replacing the dead surface cells with new, translucent ones. These dead cells are what make our skin look dull and also cause blackheads. So, once a week, it makes sense to help this process along by removing those old cells. Exfoliants can be gentle or harsh, so choose one in the middle with oatmeal or some other exfoliant, and avoid the ones with things like crushed walnut shells in them.

The last step is to moisturize. This is important, even for oily skin. Moisturizing strengthens skin and protects it against moisture loss. Skin without moisture looks old! Nobody wants to look old, so choose a moisturizer with humectants, which attract moisture. Humectants are things like vitamin E and Panthenol. For oily skin, choose a light moisturizer that is oil-free, so you don't put any additional oil on your face. Always wet your face first, it aids in absorption. A good weather tip is to put your moisturizer in the fridge in the summer months for a refreshing, cool feeling when you apply it, and in the winter months, warm it in your hands before applying.

Finally, a few last tips to help keep that oily skin in check. First, drink lots of water. It lubricates the skin and helps skin to behave. Use sun protection, at least SPF 15 or more that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Choose a light or sheer sunscreen; many are made for oily skin. Avoid oil-based cosmetics. They add more oil to your skin and aggravate any problems you already have.

Remember, your skin type is determined by genetics and affected by hormones. So thank your mom for your oily skin and spend an afternoon a week doing something you really enjoy.

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