
Saturday, August 22, 2009

How to Stay Fit

Losing weight is the hardest thing to do. It requires so much effort and in the fast pace world we live in where our time is demanded on so many fronts we often have no time for ourselves. And with the two minutes in the day we do have to ourselves who wants to worry about their weight? It's a vicious cycle. It's not that we are so lazy, but we need a lazy way to lose weight because we just don't have time for anything else.

Continuing research suggests that eating apples regularly may reduce the risk of various cancers, such as colon, prostate, and lung. Furthermore, eating apples regularly appear to aid those with heart disease and cholesterol problems.

Have your breakfast in the morning, and don't eat a large meal at dinner time. Instead, eat smaller meals throughout the day. Spread your small meals throughout the day with a gap of two or three hours between each meal. This will help increase your metabolism.

The average human body has 30-40 million fat cells. Most of the extra calories we eat that we do not need for immediate energy is stored as fat. If we were still "hunter/gatherers" like our early ancestors, the fat would provide a needed food store for times when no food is readily available. But, in modern society, storing energy as fat is no longer necessary for most people. So, instead of being of being a valuable survival mechanism, the body's ability to store fat has profound negative effects on the body.

The stomach contains acids! In fact, the stomach acids are just as acidic as car battery acid. The function of this potent acid is to help you digest the food. Your stomach has no problem handing this due to its thick lining. However, the problem arises when the stomach acid backs up into your esophagus.

You will also notice something else, less cravings! Sometimes dehydration can cause you to crave more food. Not only will you be full because of your water intake, you body will stop sending those false alarms to your brain! If you can add a lemon to your water you are doing your digestive system a huge favor. The proper amount of lemon juice a day will aid in the digestive process and symptoms like heartburn, burping and bloating will start to disappear.

Lastly, you need to understand exactly what true weight loss is. Many people can lose a lot of weight fast - only to regain it within 24 hours. This is because they are losing water weight. By sweating profusely when exercising you may be able to lose up to 8 or 9 pounds at one time.

The best techniques about, how to lose weight quickly, will offer a diet that you can live with. It's a reduction of the calories you are ingesting, plus exercising to burn the calories. The best weight lose diets will always include the right foods that will go that extra mile for you.

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