
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Smokey Eyes Makeup

Smoky eyes is a glamourous makeup,which has been one of the most fashionable makeups for a few seasons.It creates a refined and mysterious image.Wondering how to get it by yourself?The key to the perfect smoky eyes is to blend colors properly.Avoid blue hues,choose black,gray,brown or dark green shadows and liners instead.Here are 7 easy steps to create smoky eyes.Below you will find two videos,which will also help you to create it.
What You Will Need for Creating Smoky Eyes
*Eye primer(eyeshadow base),
*2 Shades of shadows:a light one and a darker one,
*Makeup brushes.
Step 1.Prepare Lids
Start with an eyeshadow base to remove oil from your eyelids and to keep eyeshadow from melting into your eyelid crease.
Step 1.Prepare Lids
Step 2.Use Eyeliner
If you’ve chosen a typical black,brown or gray smoky eye,apply a soft eyeliner in one of the colors above the upper lash line.The line should be thicker in the middle of eye.If your choice is jewel-toned eyes,line your eyes with a purple,blue or deep green liner.Use the pencil liner from the inner eye corner to the outer.Smudge both lash lines with a cotton swab or an eyeliner brush.
Step 2.Use Eyeliner
Step 3.Color on Bottom Lids
To give your bottom lids the color,which will be the key to smoky eyes,apply the liner of a lighter color to the bottom lids:dot it between your lower lashes.The most important point here is to smudge it.To do it,apply a bit of shadow to get full smudge effect.
Step 3.Color on Bottom Lids
Step 4.Light Base Color on Upper Lids
Sweep light base color over the lids to the browbones.It’s better to use cream shade of mousse shadow.The shadow should also be shimmery.Thus,you have the eyeliner and the base.
Step 5.Apply Darker Color–Smoky Effect Itself
Choose a darker eyeshadow shade.Using a brush,blend in color starting at your lash line and then applying it into your crease,blending up and outward.Blend color so that the eye liner disappears.
Step 5.Apply Darker Color–Smoky Effect Itself
Step 6.Correcting Smoky Eyes
Make sure your eyes match and use a Q-tip,if needed.
Step 7.Apply Volumizing Mascara
Finish your smoky eyes with some coats of black volumizing mascara you usually apply.That’s it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sense Skin Care

As we take care of the business of living,it's easy to neglect those things that allow us to truly experience life.Sensé™invites you to regain a sense of balance,renew your sense of well-being,and rejoice in simplicity.Indulge in Sensé™.
Take advantage of the latest that science can offer your skin,fused with the ancient wisdom of pure plant extracts that ease the effects of stress and simply make you look and feel wonderful.Intelligent skin care from Beautiful Science™.Inner nutrients support healthy skin from within while outer nutrients nourish,protect and revitalize.It just makes sense.

White Light Teeth Whitener

Homemade Recipes for Teeth Care
How can you get healthy teeth,using natural remedies from home?
Mint and Rosemary Mouthwash
2.1/2cups distilled or mineral water
1.tsp fresh mint leaves
1.tsp rosemary leaves
1.tsp anise seeds
Bring the water to a boil.Add herbs and seeds,infuse for 20 minutes.Cool,strain and use as a gargle/mouthwash.
Spearmint Mouthwash
6-ounces water
2-ounces vodka
4-teaspoons liquid glycerine
1-teaspoon aloe vera gel
10-15drops Spearmint essential oil
Boil water and vodka,add glycerine and aloe vera gel.Remove from the heat and let cool slightly.Add spearmint oil,and mix well.Pour into bottle,cap tightly.

Build Muscle Faster

Adding muscle seems to be a mystery to most,yet if you pick up a copy of any fitness or bodybuilding magazine and you'll almost always see a headline like this:Gain 15 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks.'
If it were so easy you'd have millions of muscle-heads running around.Even though building muscle tissue can be a challenge,'m going to outline some very specific principles that can pack on the muscle faster than you can throw away that copy of 'Muscle and Fiction'!
Before we get started though I want to clarify a few points.
1.The ridiculous claims made by most fitness and bodybuilding magazines are only there to get you to buy that issue--nothing more!
2.If you are serious about strength training you need to be reading books and NOT cheesy fitness magazines
Ok?here we go.
In order to add muscle tissue you must force the body to add it.Your body won't just add a pound of muscle just because you f llowed a 3-set workout that you read about in Muscle+Fitness.You need to give the body a reason to make improvements in this case add muscle tissue .
You have to provide what I call a'stimulus'.This can be done in many ways and I'll address a few in just a moment.Basically, you need to force the body to add muscle by subjecting it to levels of stress it is not used to.Some methods are more obvious than others but all can work.Here are a few examples of how this can be done effectively.
First,the basic and common methods:
1.Increase weight or resistance
2.Perform more repetitions
3.Perform more sets
4.Move the resistance slower
5.Rest less between sets and exercises
Now for the more advanced methods:
1.Pre-exhaust(perform an isolation exercise first and immediately continue with no rest on a compound movement.ex.chest flye and then chest press)
2.Static holds(hold the resistance in the hardest position of the range of motion.ex.the top position during a leg extension)
3.Partial reps in weak range(perform a portion of the rep where you are weakest.ex.the top half of a rep of leg extensions)
4.Strip-set (after a warm-up set,perform 3 sets back to back with no rest while starting with the heaviest weight possible and each time strip off some weight to allow you to continue)
5.1 1/2reps(perform one full rep and then on the second rep only perform half the normal range of motion and then return to starting position to begin the next full rep of lat pulldowns,pull second rep all the way down,resist weight back up but only half way and then pull back down)
These are just a few examples of methods of increasing intensity to ensure progress.The key point to remember is that whatever you do it must be progressive in order for it to elicit a physical change.This is even more critical for those looking to add muscle size.
Although this article is geared towards individuals who are interested in gaining muscle size,the principles can also be used for individuals who want to build strength, increase metabolism,or tighten and tone muscles.
Here are some general recommendations for different goals:
If your goal is to tighten and tone muscles:
-Focus on increasing reps,decreasing rest,and changing exercises frequently
-Train each muscle group twice per week
-Perform fewer sets of many different exercises(1-2 sets per exercise)
If your goal is to increase strength and power:
-Focus on increasing weight
-Train each muscle group once every 7-10 days
-Perform multiple sets of each exercise(2-5 sets per exercise)
If your goal is to increase muscle size:
-Focus on shocking muscles by changing variables frequently(exercises,set and rep schemes,rest time,etc)
-Train each muscle group on a variable schedule(experiment by training a muscle group 3 times a week and then once every ten days)
-Perform multiple sets for a while and the perform single sets for a week or two
Some final reminders:
The recommendations above are general and of course would need to be adapted and adjusted for your personal goals and experience.For those of you who are advanced and may be thinking there's no way you can build strength by training once every 10 days I challenge you to try it for at least 4 weeks,or those of you who think that you need to stick to the same basic movements like bench to build size I challenge you to try shocking the muscles by changing the exercises you perform each week for 4 weeks,and those of you with little experience I hope that you'll throw away the fitness magazines and learn what really works.

Acne Prone Skin Care

Your skin is precious and thus taking care of your skin is an essential thing to do.This already important task gains even more importance if you are suffering from skin woes like acne.Skin that is prone to acne is already damaged and not taking care of it will further add to the damage that has already occurred.
Here is a daily skin care regime that will help you take care of your acne prone skin in the perfect manner.
This is the first step of any skin care regime.Your skin can never be devoid of acne if it is not clean.Though cleansing may seem as the simplest thing to do,there are a whole lot of factors that you must consider.First of all,you need to use the right cleanser for your skin.
Go for a cleanser that is soap free and non comedogenic.The facial cleanser from Exposed is a good choice.While cleansing your face make sure that you don't use too hot or too cold water.Cleansing your face twice a day is enough to keep your skin clean and clear.
Toning is another vital component of any skin care regime.Toning helps remove excess oil or any left over make up from your skin.Dab toner or astringent on a cotton ball and gently wipe it over your face.Make sure you do not rub it too hard on your skin.
Always opt for an alcohol free toner as it won't leave your face too dry and itchy.Go in for a toner that cleans your skin and at the same time leaves it subtly moisturized.The Exposed clearing tonic is a good choice.The product not just clears your clogged pores but also helps in killing acne causing bacteria.
Acne prone skin does need special attention.So you need to add something more to the usual cleansing,toning and moisturizing routine.People suffering from acne must imbibe the use of some or the other medicating cream.You could use a medication cream as prescribed by the doctor or opt for any over the counter products.The Exposed acne treatment system is a nice option if yu are considering any over the counter products.
Most people suffering from acne avoid using any moisturizers.They feel that an already skin does not need any moisturizers. However,this is not true.Even oily skin needs a lightweight,oil free moisturizer.Opt for a light moisturizing gel and it will not trigger acne breakouts.
If you follow this daily skin care regime then you will not only be able to treat acne damaged skin but also prevent future acne breakouts.Remember your skin is precious and it does deserve a lot of care and attention.

Tips for healthy skin

The skin is a natural defensive body covering and is an organ made up of several layers of epithelial tissues that guard underlying muscles and organs.It is one of the main influential indicators of health and can give an interface a completely diverse look than what it initially came with.Dry or oily skin,acne and inflammation all are some of the major symbols of fragile internal health,and happen because of consuming unhealthy foods.
Now in order to overcome from Read More;

Weight Loss Eating

Weight Loss
Tightening the Belt on Fat
Combating weight is an issue for most,and WILD has an array of functional ingredients to help health-conscious consumers to feel and look healthier.
Studies have shown caffeine increases metabolism while increasing energy.
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate is an essential trace mineral.This mineral helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and assists in the processing of fats and proteins.
Fiber has good water-binding properties that help curb appetite.It is a prebiotic,meaning that it stimulates the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria.Fiber has also been shown to support heart health and maintain regularity.
Tonalin®Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA)
With a proper diet,Conjugated Linoleic Acid may aid in maintenance of healthy weight by reducing overall body fat content.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia improves glucose function and increases serotonin levels,reducing appetite.Garcinia Cambogia shifts the body’s preferred energy source from carbohydrates to fats,a very desirable trait for those consumers interested in weight loss.
Chitosan is a cellulose-like dietary fiber.It is positively charged in the gastrointestinal tract and can bind to fatty acids and bile acids.It is reported to reduce or block the body’s absorption of fat.
Guarana(also known as guaranine)boosts energy and has been show to help metabolism.
Luo Han Guo–Deflavored
Compounds extracted from the fruit called Mogrosides give a pleasant and sweet taste,without elevating blood sugar and contributing few calories.Mogrosides are up to 250 times sweeter than sugar,requiring a lower dosage for the same taste.
Chlorogenic Acid(Green Coffee Extract)
Chlorogenic Acid may reduce the absorption of carbohydrates that are consumed.Clinical studies have suggested that chlorogenic acid used as part of a healthy diet helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.Chlorogenic acid may also preserve natural antioxidants in the body and decrease the production of free radicals.
Green Tea Catechins
Green Tea Catechins,with proper diet,may aid in the maintenance of healthy weight.The catechin compounds in green tea,especially EGCG,have been reported to have a thermogenic effect—causing an increase in metabolism.
Stevia is a plant leaf extract used as a natural,high intensity sweetener.The sweet taste has a slower onset and longer duration than sugar.It is 250-300 times sweeter than sugar.It falls under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act(DSHEA).
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate provides a boost of energy and helps you stay alert and focused.Studies have shown it has a thermogenic effect,and it also contains chlorogenic acid to help reduce absorption of carbohydrates.
Cocoa Extract
Cocoa is rich in antioxidants,alkaloids such as caffeine and theobromine,and compounds such as 2-phenylethylamine(PEA).Caffeine and theobromine have a thermogenic effect on the body and increase metabolism.PEA has been shown to induce the release of dopamine,which helps reduce stress and tension,thereby controlling emotional eating.
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid responsible for the brown color in certain seaweeds such as wakame and hijiki.Japanese researchers have found that it helps maintain a healthy weight by controlling overall body fat.Fucoxanthin may also promote the formation of DHA,an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish.

Enlarge Breasts

Men seeking male to female breast enlargement or"shemale"breast enlargement as it has been termed,actually have the same options women do.Those options are male breast augmentation surgery,or a natural male or female breast enhancement pill or system designed to naturally enlarge the male breast by stimulating the body's own hormones and essentially manipulating them to grow new breast tissue by creating a new hormonal balance.
Certain herbs,massage and exercise can work wonders for enhancing your bust line.If you are flat chested or just want a larger bust than you have now,here are some tips on how to get bigger breasts using natural methods.
Implantation bleeding is another sign of first pregnancy sign symptom and usually occurs within the first two weeks of fertilization.It happens when the fertilized egg attaches itself into the lining of the uterus and induces the body to shed a little blood,spottier and lighter than menstrual blood,and which is accompanied by cramping similar to menstrual cramps,as the uterus begins to enlarge.
Another solution available is a range of exercises.While they won't add cup sizes exercise can make them fuller and sit higher.Additionally,performing a range of back exercises can also make them more attractive.
Fibrocystic breasts or that thick and lumpy feeling,are typically a sign of relatively high estrogen and low progesterone levels.Research has shown that progesterone cream can significantly reduce this symptom,as well as other supplementation such as with magnesium,Vitamin E,a high-quality omega 3 and Vitamin B6.Increasing fiber and eating dark green leafy vegetables can help flush out excess estrogen.Consider a short fast or detoxification.
Natural breast enhancement creams are designed through extensive laboratory research to mimic the natural growth patterns of breasts during pregnancy or puberty.During these periods,hormonal changes cause the breasts to become larger and as such scientists have studied for decades to refine natural breast enhancement creams so that women can naturally stimulate breast growth.
There are a number of ways to get your breasts back after you go through weight loss.Some women choose to go through the expensive and very painful route of getting breast augmentation.It is not unusual for a plastic surgeon to put breast implants into a woman who has lost 50 or even 100 pounds.
If surgery and herbal products are not what you prefer,there is another way for breast enlargement.That way is hypnosis.With your mind power,you can stimulate the growth of your breast tissue and still achieve your goal.
With foods being chemically enhanced these days,many believe that certain foods such as chicken that are altered with estrogen helps.There are also herbal supplements available that have worked to enlarge breasts naturally for many women.
Although there aren't really any foods that will increase the size of your breasts,there are some things you should avoid when taking natural breast enhancement supplements.Caffeine should be avoided as much as possible,as it interferes with the absorption of the needed herbal properties.You should also cut back your intake of carbohydrates,and increase protein.This helps the body.

Health Exercise

Exercise and Physical Fitness
There are 1,440 minutes in every day.Schedule 30 of them for physical activity!
Regular exercise is a critical part of staying healthy.People who are active live longer and feel better.Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight.It can delay or prevent diabetes,some cancers and heart problems.
Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week.Examples include walking briskly,mowing the lawn,dancing,swimming for recreation or bicycling.Stretching and weight training can also strengthen your body and improve your fitness level.
The key is to find the right exercise for you.If it is fun,you are more likely to stay motivated.You may want to walk with a friend,join a class or plan a group bike ride.If you've been inactive for awhile,use a sensible approach and start out slowly.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Head Massages

Face And Head Massage:
The Face Massage and Head Massage is a particularly pleasurable experience-most people will be surprised at the amount of tension they hold here,particularly around the jaw.There is not usually time for a full face and head massage as part of a full-body massage.You might like to try it on its own or in combination with a back and shoulder massage.
Massage Steps:
1.Cup hands around the head,with thumbs resting on the forehead and fingertips at the temples.Smooth out the forehead in strips-starting along the eyebrows,working up toward the hairline.
2.Press between the eyebrows with your thumbs.Repeat,moving up the center of the forehead to the hairline.
3.Massage temples,using circular motion with fingers.Continue circles down along the jawbone to the chin.
4.Using your fingertips,draw a line under the cheekbone and out to the temples.Repeat,taking the line lower down the cheek each time.
5.Use the fingertips to draw a big moustache shape from the upper lip out to the temples,and circle the temples one more time.
6.Press softly around the upper bone of the eye sockets,starting from the bridge of the nose,out to the corner of the eye.Repeat,this time working carefully around the eye socket under the eyes.
7.Gently massage the ears between your thumbs and fingers,starting at the earlobe and moving around and up to the top of the ear.
8.Pull ears very gently,again starting with the lobe and moving gradually to the top of the ear.
9.Cup hands and rest them over the eyes(it's best to warn your partner before you do this).Ask your partner to breathe in and out deeply several times.Release the hands.
Massage Don'ts:
The throat is another vulnerable area of the body.Although the sides and back of the neck can be massaged,avoid working directly across the throat itself.
The face is naturally more oily than the other parts of the body.Unless the reciever has particularly dry skin,you will not need to add extra oil at this stage.
Head: Massage Steps:
1.Cup forehead in hands once more and press in the middle of the forehead at hairline.Continue pressing upward to the crown of the head.
2.Supporting the head in the hands and with fingers at the base of the skull,massage the entire scalp.
3.Draw fingers lightly through the hair several times,and off at the crown.
Massage Tips:
If your partners hair is very thick,avoid the possibility of getting your fingers caught in tangles by drawing your fingers over the top of the hair instead.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Makeup Ingredients

Cosmetics ingredients come from a variety of sources but,unlike the ingredients of food,are often not considered by most consumers.Cosmetics often use vibrant colours that are derived from some unexpected sources,ranging from crushed insects to rust.Many new techniques have allowed manufacturers to synthesise such colours and the use of animals(or parts thereof)has been declining for many years and is now virtually eliminated,due in large part to the efforts of Beauty Without Cruelty,PETA and other groups.[citation needed]
Cosmetics in a variety of forms date back to early civilizations,with the need to improve ones personal appearance being an important factor in attracting a mate.Over the years the ingredients have changed dramatically as we discovered how to manufacture our own scents and cosmetic formulae.The realisation of the dangers of many common ingredients also greatly impacted the growing industry.[citation needed]
Ancient Egyptian aristocracy made use of minerals to provide colour and definition to their facial features.During the era of the Greek Empire it was common to use face paints,while the Romans indulged in baths containing oil-based perfume.[citation needed]
*Common ingredients
Castor oil and its derivatives are found in many cosmetics as it is"non-comedogenic"(does not exacerbate or contribute to acne).[1]
Cerebrosides(cells from the nervous systems of cattle or swine)were once used in some high-end skin-care products to increase moisture retention and to create a smooth skin surface,[2]however the BSE controversy has put an end to this practice.[citation needed]
In many countries colours in cosmetics are listed as numbers from the Colour Index International.The scheme covers colours used in food,personal care products,cosmetics,household products and fabric dyeing.So,for example you will not normally see tartrazine listed in lipstick ingredients,but it may be there listed as C.I.19140.Erythrosine will be listed as C.I.45430,and so on.In US and Canada colors are listed as FD & C colors.tartrazine(E012)is FD & C Yellow 5 and erythrosine(E127)is FD & C Red 3.

First Health Care

Green tea does so much more for us than provide a few minutes of tea-sipping pleasure! Did you know that green tea has been shown to have many health benefits,including fighting the effects of aging and reducing the risk of some cancers?And green tea can also be used externally to make your skin glow,heal blemishes,cuts,and rashes,soothe strained or tired eyes,fight body odor,and more.
We’ll tell you more about the health benefits of drinking green tea,and give you the formula for a wonderful all-purpose Green Tea Soother Spray(you can use it as a mouthwash,a blemish-healer,and a whole lot more),as well as a great tip for keeping shoes and feet fresh.Learn the secrets of green tea for better health and body care.It‘s all right here:
Green Tea for Health
According to Professor Takuo Okada,“Vitamin E reduces the number of peroxide lipids,which slows down cell degeneration and the aging process.Green tea has been shown to be twenty times more active in this respect than Vitamin E.
The polyphenols in green tea appear to reduce the risks of certain cancers.These powerful antioxidants help control the activity of free radicals,the unstable compounds that can destroy cells and are implicated n a host of diseases,not just cancer.
Researchers in Great Britain discovered that drinking four or five cups of green tea a day might help reduce both high cholesterol and high blood pressure,and that both black and green teas were shown to inhibit ultraviolet B light-induced skin cancers.
Green tea fights against flus and other viral diseases,strengthens capillaries,and prevents infection.
Green Tea for Beautiful Body Care
Green Tea Soothing Spray
This great soother has many uses(see below).Use unflavored,unscented plain green tea.
1cup green tea leaves
1quart spring water
1.Steep the tea leaves in boiling water for 20 minutes.
2.Cool and strain the liquid into a sterilized bottle and refrigerate.
Uses for Soothing Spray:
1.As a cooling,refreshing bath splash.
2.As a perk-up for tired feet.
3.As an anti-fungal foot soak.Soak feet in a quart of soother and do not rinse.
4.Use as a mouthwash.
5.For minor cuts,rashes,or abrasions:saturate a cotton pad with soother and apply to injury for five minutes.Repeat.This can be done up to 4 times a day.
6.To soothe minor sunburn,soak a cloth in the soother and place on sunburned area.Keep on for about 15 minutes.
7.To freshen strained or tired eyes,soak cotton pads in green tea solution,squeeze out excess,and lay gently on eyelids.Let pads rest on lids for about 10 minutes.Repeat if necessary.This reduces puffiness and red eyes.
8.Use as a blemish remedy.Splash on face or dot on blemish with pure cotton.Do not rinse.

Hair Care Conditioner

Dry Hair Care Recipe
1 1/2 teaspoons Corn Oil
Add the corn oil to your regular conditioner,rinse out as you normally would.
TIP:To avoid having dry brittle hair,avoid using hot curling irons or blow dryers,bleaching and perming,and hair dyes.use safe alternatives instead such as natural dyes like hennas.Sometimes lacking nutrients can also cause dry brittle hair.Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement on a daily basis.

Skin Care Line

Natural skin care is the care of the skin(the largest organ of the body)using naturally-derived ingredients(such as herbs,roots,essential oils and flowers)combined with naturally occurring carrier agents,preservatives,surfactants,humectants and emulsifiers(everything from natural soap to oils to pure water).The classic definition of natural skin care is based on using botanically sourced ingredients currently existing in or formed by nature,without the use of synthetic chemicals,and manufactured in such a way to preserve the integrity of the ingredients.
As a result of this definition,many people who use natural skin care products,generally make their own products at home from naturally occurring ingredients.While there are many wives'tales surrounding the benefits of certain ingredients,scientific studies have proven that such ingredients as Chamomile have demonstrated healing and anti-inflammatory properties when applied topically.Many people use natural skin care recipes to make remedies to care for their skin at home.Many spas and skin care salons now focus on using more naturally derived skin care products.Over the past ten years,several companies have been started to make available completely natural products to the general public.
Natural skin care has its roots in the 4th millennium BC in China and the Middle East.It is believed that the Egyptians developed many natural skin care treatments for a variety of skin conditions.One such treatment consists of bullock's bile,whipped ostrich eggs,olive oil,dough and resin mixed with milk.In the modern age many people with unique skin types and needs(sensitive skin,dry skin,oily skin)have turned to natural skin care solutions.
Some examples of natural skin care ingredients include jojoba,safflower oil,rose hip seed oil,shea butter,beeswax,witch hazel,aloe vera,tea tree oil,and chamomile.Many of these natural ingredient combinations can be tailored specifically to the individual's skin type or skin condition.
More recetly natural skin care involves organic formulations as in the 30+ Skincare line developed by Dr.Traci Williams of the Anti-Aging Beauty Institute.
Natural skin care goes beyond the application of products on one's skin.It also pertains to a holistic philosophy surrounding the holistic care of one's body.This includes the belief that what is ingested will affects all aspects of health,including the health of skin.People who use natural skin care products are less concerned with artificial beauty enhancements,as they feel that natural beauty is healthy beauty.
There is,however,no actual definition of natural according to the U.S.Food and Drug Administration(FDA).All ingredients are chemicals by definition."Derived"ingredients are unnatural both according to the original substance and the method of derivation.
The term natural has considerable market value in promoting skin care cosmetic products to consumers,but dermatologists say it has very little medical meaning and the FDA states the claim has no legal meaning.Despite pressure from advocacy groups such as The Environmental Working Group(EWG)the FDA has not defined what natural is or how to achieve it.Contrary to popular belief the FDA does not regulate the sale of skin care and cosmetic products before they are sold.
The FDA recommends understanding the ingredient label and says"There is no list of ingredients that can be guaranteed not to cause allergic reactions,so consumers who are prone to allergies should pay careful attention to what they use on their skin",further warning that"[t]here is no basis in fact or scientific legitimacy to the notion that products containing natural ingredients are good for the skin".Food preservatives are commonly used to preserve the safety and efficacy in these products.
Ayurvedic skin care
Ayurvedic skin care is derived from medicinal practices that began over 5,000 years ago.Ayurvedic medicine and healing practices are based on Indian philosophical,psychological,conventional,and medicinal understandings.Ayurvedic approach to skin care is holistic and considers the mind,body,and spirit together.Ayurvedas practices the belief that there are three basic principles or humors born out of five basic elements that exist in nature.These principles are known as Vata,Pitta,and Kapha.These principles are believed to work together in harmony to make up the entire body.
Ayurvedic skin types
Ayurvedic skin care theory claims that there are seven different types of constitution that govern skin and hair types:Vata,Pitta,Kapha,Vata-Pitta,Vata-Kapha,Pitta-Kapha, or Vata-Pitta-Kapha.Most people fall into a combination of two of the three principles.[1]
Ayurveda advises to modify one's diet,exercise,lifestyle and supplements according to one's constitution of these three humors.Most of the skin care products contain the following herbs-aloe vera,almond,avo cado,carrot,castor,clay,cocoa,coconut oil,cornmeal,cucumber,cutch tree,emu oil,ginkgo biloba,ginseng,grape seed oil,ground almond and wallnut shell,horse chestnut,witch hazel and honey.
Honey skin care
Honey's natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and ability to absorb and retain moisture have been recognised and used extensively in skin care treatments as they help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays and rejuvenate depleted skin.
Shea butter skin care
Shea butter is derived from the kernel of the "Karite"tree.Shea butter is known for its cosmetic properties as a moisturiser and emollient.
Jojoba skin care
Jojoba skin care is a natural remedy.Jojoba is a natural moisturizer for the skin.The oil is similar to the natural sebum of whale.Also,it softens the skin.Skin recognises Jojoba’s unique molecules as its own and lets jojoba in to deeply penetrate and caress the skin.Jojoba mixes with skin sebum and follows its pathways down to skin cell and skin matrix levels destroying bacteria,dissolving dried skin sebum and creating a deeply moisturising barrier across the skin that allows the transfer of gases and nutrients but holds moisture in.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How Build Muscle

In learning how to build muscle,people are often lead astray by unsubstantiated claims,fad workouts and diets.
You will note that the title of this article is‘How To Build Muscle Mass Fast‘–this is not to say you can‘build crazy muscles in a week’or other such nonsense.What you can do though,is maximize your potential for muscle growth naturally.This commonsense guide therefore represents the fastest way to build muscle.
In this article,I’ll summarize all the fundamental points of muscle building.It’s a good refresher for those already on the journey,and a great place to start for beginner bodybuilders(at the bottom of the article there is a definition of terms for any beginners among you).
How To Build Muscle 101
(1)Lift Weights–no doubt about it.Weight-training beats everything else for building muscle.Body-weight exercises(calisthenics),gymnastics,cardiovascular work,all may build some muscle for total beginners but only a little–then it stops.Why?Because you can’t add ever-increasing resistance with these other forms of exercise.
(2)Force Your Body To Adapt!Continuing from point one,your muscles will have no reason to grow if you don’t place them under ever-increasing demand.What this means is that the weight you can lift on any given
exercise should increase over time.No increase=no growth.This is the concept of Progressive Overload.
(3)Train For Hypertrophy & Avoid Strength Training.Hypertrophy means muscle growth.You want to specifically target this,as opposed to strength-training which has its focus primarily on strength gains with building muscle as a happy side-effect.Training for strength usually means a low rep range and compound-only workouts.While compound exercises are vital to a good workout,no-one is building bulging biceps with military presses and squats.Read on…
(4)Focus on Compound Exercise based Workouts–Compound exercises are crucial,they involve many muscle groups simultaneously and induce the release of growth hormone in the body.I have a different definition than most others of what a compound movement actually is.A great example is barbell curls,they isolate the biceps,right?Not really,using what is called‘Biomechanically Optimized Form‘(for maximum performance in every set)we involve the shoulders,forearms and even the back to a lesser extent.Therefore, the training program I devised(called THT training)is made up predominantly of compound movements,with some isolation exercises where necessary e.g.abdominal exercises.
(5)Train with A Full Range of Motion.Building muscle mass is all about feeling the muscle throughout the whole rep i.e.the concentric and eccentric part of the rep.To really mess this up,use weights that are too heavy for you,use too much momentum throughout the rep and do super-quick reps.This is another flaw of using‘Olympic Weight-Lifting’type exercises as your means of building muscle.Those type of exercises use a lot of momentum & fast,snap movements such as in the‘Jerk’.This movement is not a muscle builder.
(6)Eat–Get enough calories.No matter what bodybuilding diet you are on,you need to eat enough to supply your body with what it needs to grow.Go here to see how many calories you need to build muscle.
(7)Get Enough Protein–No you don’t need astronomical amounts of protein to build muscle,but you do need more than the average guy.Use the following calculation:
Lean Mass Weight(Kg)x 2.75=Daily Protein Requirement
(8)Train In The 8–12 rep range.I call this the hypertrophic rep range.Basically,you should reach failure on each set on the 8th,9th,10th,11th or 12th rep.When you can hit 12 or more,increase the weight used for that set.
(9)Keep Your Workouts Short.Steroid users can train for hours,natural bodybuilders can’t.Catabolic hormones are released in the body which actually break muscle down.To minimize this,try to keep all weight-training sessions to a maximum of 45 minutes.
(10)Take a Rest Between Workouts.If your priority is building muscle,what good could cardio do?I understand that you want to stay lean while you build muscle but this is best accomplished with a carb-cycling bodybuilding diet.Leave cardio until you want to prioritize fat-loss.
(11)Allow Adequate Rest Between Sets.Building muscle is all about performing at your best each and every set.Research shows that rest periods between sets of less than 1 minute reduce the amount of power muscle can produce in successive sets.Resting more than 3 minutes provides no further benefit than resting for 2 minutes.Therefore to strike the optimal balance between time-saving and maximum results,rest for around 2 minutes between sets.
(12)Drink Water.To build muscle at the maximum rate you need to drink enough water.Use this general rule:
Body weight(lbs)X 0.6=Water Intake in ounces.
Remember strength can decrease by up to 15% with a drop in hydration levels of only 3%!
Definition of Bodybuilding Terms
*Reps–A single cycle of lifting and lowering a weight
*Sets–A number of consecutive reps without rest
*Hypertrophy–Muscle Growth
*Compound–An exercise that moves the body through more than one joint movement
*Isolation–An exercise that moves the body through a single-joint movement
*Concentric–The part of the rep where the muscle contracts and shortens
*Eccentric–The part of the rep where the muscle lengthens
*Failure–The point at which you cannot possibly perform another rep

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Free Makeup Tips

Free Makeup Tips-Some of the best makeup tips for you
Makeup Tip 1)Use toner on your face first and apply moisturiser,to enable better blending of foundation/concealer.
Makeup Tip 2)Work your foundation onto the face with fingers in circular motions,working one area at a time,say from forehead down one side of face,then down the other side with quick motion.Blend downwards and outwards with a dry sea or makeup sponge.
Makeup Tip 3)Concealer is best applied after foundation-apply small dots where needed and gently pat into the skin,then wipe with a sponge to remove excess.Concealer can be applied with a sponge flusk or lip brush using the tips.If you feel a little more colour is needed add to the spots,and blend again with sponge.
Makeup Tip 4)Use Translucent Loose Powder to set the makeup using a large soft brush and dusting over the face quickly in a downward motion.If the skin is more mature just use powder in the T-Zone of forehead,nose and chin.
Makeup Tip 5)To work out where to apply blusher,place finger along bottom of cheekbone and apply blusher in soft circular motions above that area.Never apply below the bottom of cheekbones,nor past a line from the centre of your eyes.
Makeup Tip 6)For a lighter much more natural look,after loading blush onto brush,tap end of brush lightly against your hand to remove excess,then apply.
Makeup Tip 7)Foundation over the eye lids provides a smooth matt base and it helps stop creasing.
Makeup Tip 8)Go for a"no-colour"eye shadow as a base,like a soft creamy shade"highligher"and place this on lids up to brow bone.For most eye shapes the dark colours needs to be used on outer eye area and/or in crease.If you use too much,add a little "no colour"or translucent powder.
Makeup Tip 9)Dont use colours to match your clothes,go for colours that suit you.Using neutral,smudgy colours will flatter your face and try to avoid mauve,and real pinky shades.
Makeup Tip 10)Eyeliner should be applied close to base of eyelashes to make them look thicker.A soft pencil is easier to manage.
Makeup Tip 11)Keep the thicker look to outer edge and with elbow on table for stability,draw the line towards inner corner of eye,thinning as you go. On lower lids,after application,smudge slightly with sponge tip of shadow applicator for a softer more natural look.
Makeup Tip 12)To determine the correct length of eyebrows hold a pencil at the base of the nose,align it to inside corner of eye,then angle it from the base or your nose to outer corner of eye.
This shows where brows should start and finish.To keep tidy,brush with eyebrow brush.Define with light strokes of a pencil OR add a little eyeshadow power on the brush.
Makeup Tip 13)For hygiene it is best not to keep product beyond certain dates.
Foundation 1 year,Lipstick 1 to 2 years,Powder 2 years,
Mascara 3 to 4 months,Shadow/blush 2 years.
Makeup Tip 14)ALWAYS keep brushes clean-wash very regularly in mild natural shampoo and let dry naturally.Sponges should be washed weekly and thrown out every 4 to 5 weeks.
Makeup Tip 15)For ladies over 40 to 50 years of age,simplify your style-in clothes and makeup.Blend more carefully,and make sure foundation is a good match for your skin.
Makeup Tip 16)Make sure your lips have been moisturised,and foundation/powder applied.Outline your shape with a lip pencil in natural or a toning shade to the chosen lipcolour.Apply lipstick with a lipbrush.Then blot by"kissing"a tissue held between the lips,then reapply more colour.Choose colour tones in either warm or cool tones to suit your complexion.
Makeup Tip 17)If you have dark circles under your eyes,dont apply eyeliner untill dark circles are coverd with concealer.or else your eyes will become too dark.

Hand And Foot Massage

Though we all spend a lot of time obsessing about how to stop crow's feet and facial wrinkles,we can't forget about the rest of the body.One of the places that can really show age is the hands.These helpful tips will help you keep your hands feeling soft and looking young.
Beautiful hands
Exfoliate once a month
Just like your face and body,your hands need to be exfoliated too.Use a sugar or salt scrub every two to three weeks to slough away the dead skin cells.Your hands will be smoother and softer.You can make your own salt scrub at home.
Hand moisturizer
Moisturize after washing your hands
Use a moisturizing soap and make it a habit to immediately put on hand lotion after washing your hands.If you keep a pump bottle of lotion next to your sink in the bathroom and kitchen,you can easily apply your moisturizing lotion and keep skin hydrated.When spending time in the sun,don't forget to apply sunscreen to your hands too!
Take a multivitamin
Healthy doses of Vitamins A,B complex,C and E can all improve your skin.Vitamins C and E are particularly important in counteracting the effects of sun exposure.Vitamin A helps maintain and repair skin tissue,while B complex vitamins are essential for healthy skin,nails and hair.You can also use these vitamins topically on your hands.
Consider fish oil supplements
If you eat a lot of oily fish or take fish oil supplements,your hands will feel softer and smoother.Sardines,mackerel,fresh tuna and other oily fish contain essential fatty acids(EFAs)-the good fats.EFAs keep your skin moisturized and reduce inflammation.They also do double duty because they're great for your heart!
Get a manicure regularly
Whether you do it at home or head to the salon,a manicure will keep your cuticles moisturized and your nails healthy.Healthy,well manicured nails will make your hands look younger too.
Rubber gloves
Don't forget your gloves
In the wintertime,gloves are essential.But cold weather isn't the only thing that can damage your hands.When washing dishes,cleaning your bathroom and working in the garden,you should always wear gloves.Latex or rubber gloves can protect your hands from chemicals and hot water which can dry and damage your skin.When gardening,gloves can protect your hands,cuticles and nails.
Treat your hands at night
Coat your hands with a thick moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly before going to bed.Cover them with white cotton gloves or even socks.In the morning,your hands will look and feel softer and younger.
How to Give a Foot Massage
1.Soak feet in warm water for about 10 minutes.You may wish to include drops of your favorite essential oil or bath salts.Peppermint or lavender oil is preferred by many.Make sure feet are completely dry before starting massage.
2.Apply a moderate amount of cream or oil to hands to add to comfort and ease.Make sure hands are warm to avoid discomfort.Mineral oil is not absorbed in the skin,and it wipes off cleanly.
3.Begin by stroking top of foot,between cords located on top of foot at instep.Move in the direction toe to ankle.Then,continue by stroking sole of foot,first more gently,then increase pressure.
4.Make circular motions with your thumb and fingers over the sole of the foot,and use more pressure in areas such as the heel or ball of the foot.Start from the top and work your way down.Do not neglect the sides.
5.Hold the foot with one hand,use the other hand to rotate the foot,first at the ankle,and then near the ball of the foot.Be gentle.Repeat about 5 times in each direction.
6.Knead the sole by holding the foot with one hand and making a fist with the other,using moderate pressure into the sole.Give enough attention to the arch.
7.Begin with the big toe and working towards the pinky toe,take each toe individually.Roll the toe between your thumb and forefinger as you slide your fingers down the toe to the end,applying gentle pressure.Gently squeeze the end of each toe.
8.Take your index finger and slide it between each toe about 5 times.To complete the massage,use your thumb and fingers to make the circular motions once again over the sole.End by stroking the sole and instep.
9.Wipe off any excess cream or oil with a soft towel.Slip into thick socks to retain moisturizing,or slippers will suffice as well.
10.Try to give equal attention to both feet,as the body abhors asymmetry.
*Have receiver lean back against a pillow or a couch,and make sure he or she is relaxed and comfortable.Perhaps include some relaxing background music or lightly scented candles.
*Massage slowly and gently to induce relaxation,and massage more quickly and deeply to induce stimulation.Throughout massage,if you feel tension building up in your hands,periodically shake hands loose of energy and continue massage.
*Be careful not to use too much pressure so as not to cause discomfort,but apply enough pressure so as not to tickle the soles,causing laughter.This can ruin the mood.
*Make sure that the knees of the receiver are not locked(stretched all the way)while you massage.It will make them stiff and inhibit the blood circulation.Place a cushion or a rolled-up towel under the knee of the leg/foot you're working on to keep it relaxed and slightly bent.
*Do not overuse the oil or cream,or hands will be too slippery.
*If you are massaging a person who is either pregnant or suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes,avoid using strong pressure on the feet,as this could induce labor in pregnant women or aggravate the said conditions.
*If foot or feet are painful or overly sensitive,seek medical advice or care from a professional.
Things You'll Need
*Cream and/or oil
*Warm water in a tub or basin
*Bath salts
*Favorite essential oil(preferably lavender or peppermint)
*(Optional)Soft background music
*(Optional)Lightly scented candles
*Thick clean socks or slippers

Acne Tip

Cure for Pimples and Acne
Pimples are tiny skin lesions or inflammations of the skin.They are commonly caused by clogged or infected pores.They may appear as deeper lumps(cysts or nodules)on the face,neck,chest,back and sometimes shoulders.
Severe acne can affect many facets of a person's life,causing a great deal of embarrassment and stress.Some severe forms of acne like acne cysts may rupture and cause scars that can result in psychological effects on the sufferer.Having skin full of pimples and zits may significantly limit one's social life.Although acne is not considered to be a life threatening disorder,the psychological impact of acne can be quite profound as it affects the most visible parts of your body.
If your acne condition is severe it can cause disfiguring and require years of treatment.In such cases seeking the help of a qualified dermatologist will be your best option.
Acne sebaceous gland follicles
What Causes Pimples & Acne
Pimples usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads have become infected.
There are oil glands on your chest,face and back numbering in the thousands.In fact,between the nose and cheek areas there are as many as two thousand oil glands every square inch.The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil,or sebum.Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin.It usually starts far beneath the surface of the skin.A blemish(or internal lump)begins about 2 to 3 weeks before it appears on your skin's surface.Acne first begins to form in your sebaceous hair follicles.You know this as"pores",the tiny holes on you skin.Deep within each hair follicle,sebaceous glands generate sebum,the oil that keeps your skin soft,moist and pliable.As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off.Normally,this cell shedding process happens gradually,and fresh new skin takes its place.
But sloughing(the process where living tissue is separated from dead skin tissue)is not the same for everyone.Some people shed cells evenly while others don't.The result of uneven sloughing is that dead cells become sticky,clogging together to form a plug,similar to a cork in a bottle.This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.
The trapped oil begins to form a lump as your skin continues its normal oil production.Your body's natural defense system then sends an army of white blood cells to attack the bacteria.The whole process takes around 2 to 3 weeks,resulting in a pimple.
Many teenagers experience pimple outbreaks.It is at this time that the skin attempts to adjust to hormonal changes that occur during puberty.There is a tendency for most people when seeing a'ripe'pimple try to pick or squeeze it.This will cause further damage to your skin as germs or bacterias from your finger tips can cause inflammation and scarring as a result.The risk of infection is also increased.Most times,when acne is ignored,it can leave visible scars on your skin.
Acne Treatment
If left untreated acne can be a serious problem.Chris Gibson,who was once a chronic acne sufferer,found a scientically proven way to permanently clear his acne problem.In fact he cured his acne in 3 days without any harsh prescription drugs or over-the-counter products.In this well researched book Chris revealed the fast and easy way to get rid of your pimples,zits,whiteheads and blackheads.
For pimples that are persistent,consult your dermatologist for an antibiotic solution to be applied to the surface of the skin or an oral antibiotic.Using antibiotics as acne treatment functions to suppress bacterial growth thereby reducing the recurrence of persistent acne.
If you are considering an acne treatment,it's important to get sound information from a reputable source so you know what to expect.Healthy Skin Portal leads you into a range of skin care treatments with details on the top skin care clinics in your area.

Fitness Care

Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living
Quality of life is what we all want.Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life.Fitness makes us want to live it every day.If you agree with these three premises,keep reading.
The Purpose of Health and Fitness Tips
To inform you of new developments in the health and fitness fields is our aim.We'll do the research;we have the resources.You get the results.The name of the game is'current'and'relevant'for today.Forget all the excess baggage of the so-called fitness gurus.
Become Healthier and Fitter Faster
While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have,we also know you have limited time to devote to it.We therefore pledge to you a fast,simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train.Get on track with the facts.
Health Professionals,Medical Doctors and Health and Fitness Writers and Editors Make Up Our Staff
Our staff experience in the booming Health and Fitness field adds up to more than 100 years.Not that anyone is age 100 or even close,but we all plan to live that long.We want to make sure we have company.So we invite you along for the ride. We'll spur you on and help you over the rough spots to your own fitness destination.
Diet and Exercise are Keys to Healthy Living
But you know all this.So our aim is to give you the shortcuts,the little-known tricks and proven methods to help prevent boredom and hopelessness in your quest for good health.Our high tech world has advanced in the fitness field also.In fact,so fast that we want to get the information out to you yesterday.That's what the Health and Fitness Tips Site is all about…the latest up-to-the-minute-in-the-zone information for your health and fitness.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Body Massage Oils

Massage oils come in a variety of scents and blends but may be hard for the layperson or enthusiast to find.Making a homemade massage oil can be a fun project for friends or a couple.Learn how to select an appropriate oil medium and ways to add therapeutic aromas to them.
Choosing an Oil
When selecting an oil consider the skin type and season of use.Richer,or thicker,oils may be better for cold seasons while lighter oils will lend themselves better for warm weather.If the recipient has oily skin already,using a very rich oil may be uncomfortable.Also consider the amount of body hair–will a richer oil make gliding strokes easier over a fairly hairy back?
*Jojoba Oil–not an actual oil,Jojoba(pronounced ho-ho-bah),is actually a plant ester,or wax.It has similar properties to oil but closely matches the skin’s own oil and therefore is widely used for face massages and sensitive skin types.
*Olive Oil–very rich oil that may be too thick for sensitive skin types or those prone to breakouts or acne.Great for dry skin or wintertime use.
*Sesame Oil–a medium to rich oil with a light scent.
*Sweet Almond Oil–has a slightly sticky quality and would go well with dryer skin types or for moisturizing during dry seasons.
Infusing Oils with Herbal Teas
Many herbed teas make great ingredients for a homemade massage oil.The individual tea bags remove the extra step of straining off loose herbs from the oils and can cut down on preparation time.
Some common herbal teas that might go well infused in oil:
*Chamomile–preferably as the only ingredient in the tea bag,chamomile is known for its relaxation properties and is also very gentle on sensitive and aging skin types.
*Peppermint–can make a rejuvenating blend for a pick-me-up massage or back rub.Choose peppermint when the room can be adequately warmed for the massage or the recipient may get too chilled.
Preparing the Infusions
Once the oil has been selected and the accompanying tea bag(s),a glass container than can be sealed should be chosen.A canning jar or other food storage glass container are good options.Four to six ounces of oil can be poured over one or two tea bags.The glass should be swirled a little to saturate the tea bag(s)and then placed in a sunny window for two or more days.The glass should be gently swirled daily to aid the infusion process.The blend can be left up to a week in the window as long as the oil is warm in the sun but not hot to the touch.
Once the preferred time has passed the tea bag(s)can be gently removed with a fork,taking care not to tear the bag open.The oil can be transferred to a plastic squeeze bottle,a smaller glass jar or left in this vessel.For ease in application a small amount of oil can be transferred to a small bowl and refilled when necessary.Avoid dipping fingers or hands into the infused oil during a massage to prevent contaminating the blend.
Using Essential Oils
Essential Oils should be used carefully and with some research.For example,Rosemary oil can be harmful for someone with hypertension,or high blood pressure.

Shine Hair Care

Volume & Shine Homemade Hair Treatments:
Homemade Olive Oil & Egg Shampoo:
•1 tsp.olive oil
•1 egg
•1 tsp.lemon juice
•1 Tbs.castile soap
•1/2 cup water or herbal tea
•5 Drops of essential oil of your choice
1.Combine all in blender and whip until smooth;
2.Shampoo with mixture using warm water;
Homemade Lemon Shine Rinse:
•Lemon Juice
•1 cup water
1.Mix the juice of one lemon with a cup of water;
2.After normal hair washing,apply this rinse;
3.It will shine even the dullest hair.
Homemade Vinegar Cleansing Rinse:
•1/2 cup Vinegar
•2 cups water
1.Mix one half cup vinegar and 2 cups of water;
2.This works similar to the lemon juice to give hair extra shine.
Homemade Hair Tonic:
•1 cup of beer
2.Apply a cup of flat beer;
3.Rinse with warm water.

Diet Plans To Lose Weight

Fat Loss via Better Science and Simplicity
It is possible to lose 20 lbs.of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors:exercise,diet,or drug/supplement regimen.I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes.In this post,we’ll explore a variation of the“slow carb”diet as used by Dean Karnazes,an ultramarathoner famed for completing 50 marathons on 50 consecutive days in 50 different states.The most impressive part of this,for me,is that he did so,not with the typical anemic marathoner build,but with a well-muscled mesomorph body.
In the last six weeks,I have cut from about 180 165 lbs,while adding about 10 lbs.of muscle,which means I’ve lost about 25 lbs.of fat.This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet(CKD)that has produced veins across my abdomen,which is the last place I lose fat(damn you,Scandinavian genetics).Here are the four simple rules I followed…
Avoid any carbohydrate that is—or can be—white.The following foods are thus prohibited,except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread,rice,cereal,potatoes,pasta,and fried food with breading.If you avoid eating anything white,you’ll be safe.
Rule#2:Eat the same few meals over and over again
The most successful dieters,regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss,eat the same few meals over and over again.Mix and match,constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:
Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
Chicken breast or thigh
Grass-fed organic beef
Black beans
Pinto beans
Mixed vegetables
Eat as much as you like of the above food items.Just remember:keep it simple.Pick three or four meals and repeat them.Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes.Surprisingly,I have found Mexican food,swapping out rice for vegetables,to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the“slow carb”diet.
Most people who go on“low”carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit,not because such diets can’t work,but because they consume insufficient calories.A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories,whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories!Vegetables are not calorically dense,so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.
Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain.I think this is ridiculously inconvenient.I eat 4x per day:
5pm–smaller second lunch
7:30-9pm–sports training
12am–glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed

Breast Care

Bust(Breast)Care Tips
Having saggy breast is very common,especially in women who have large breasts and who are aged.Adding to the problem,hormonal changes-both during pregnancy and as you reach menopause-make breasts sag even more.You can choose to carry out a plastic surgery.Apart from surgery,you can lift your breast up in a natural way.The best strategy to prevent sagging is to wear supportive sports bras that have good upward support and hold the breasts close to the chest.Strength exercises that target the pectoral muscles may provide some benefit in elevating overlying breast tissue.Push-ups,dumb-bell flies and weight machines that work the pectoral muscles may provide some aesthetic benefit.De-emphasize your focus on weight and continue regular exercise and healthy eating habits.
Exercise for your Breast
For this you will require a set of three-pound dumbbell.
1.Lie down on a mat.Hold one weight in each hand and extended your arms out at shoulder level.Raise both arms straight up together above your body,keeping your elbow slightly bent,so that the weights meet over your chest.Return the weighs out to your sides at shoulder height.Repeat the exercise 13 to 15 times.
2.Lie down on a mat.Extend your arms and hold the weights up in the air over your chest.Bend your elbows and lower the weights toward your chest,with your elbows out to the sides at shoulder level.Extend your arms straight back up over your chest.Repeat the exercise 13 to 15 times.
3.Take a weight in each hand,extend your arms out to each side and do 15 small,backward circles about a foot in diameter.Widen the circles slightly and do another 15,then repeat these two steps going forward.
Nutrition for your Breast
Eat less animal fat.Eat more oily fish and use extra virgin olive oil instead of standard cooking oils.
Top up your diet with an antioxidant supplement,including vitamins C,E,beta-carotene and the mineral selenium.Also eat plenty of antioxidant-rich fresh fruits and vegetables,especially onions,garlic,carrots,tomatoes,broccoli,cabbage and cauliflower.
Eat more fibre,especially oats,rye,millet,brown rice and beans.Fibre helps to move food through the gut and may reduce the re-absorption of oestrogen.
Limit alcohol-it can cause an increase in oestrogen levels.
Cut back on coffee,cola,chocolate and strong tea.
Increase your protein intake.Protein is needed to build and keep muscles tone and firm.Protein also provides much-needed Collagen.Three to four meals a day that consist of protein is recommend.
Another thing that is important to avoid 'drooping'or'sagging'breasts is wearing a good supportive bra,especially during pregnancy and exercise.
Choosing A Good Sports Bra
It is really important to wear a good sports bra when exercising regardless of the size of your bust.It will help to reduce breast pain and minimise'sagging'in the future! But many women don't know how to choose the right style or size.Here are our tips for finding the right sports bra.
Make sure that the bra is specially designed for sports use.Most bras are not designed for the increased movement during exercise.If you want to use a non-sports bra you already own,make sure it has a'firm support.
Measure your size properly.Most of the women wear wrong size bras.
Check the bra strap.It should be firm but comfortable.If it is too loose the bra won't stay put,but too tight and it will be hard to breathe.
Check that the cups are the right size.If there is any bulging the cup size is too small,if the cups wrinkle the cup is too big.It is important to get the right cup size.
Bust Care
Bust Care
Sagging breasts
Bust care tips

Natural Face Care

A natural homemade remedy is the right way for your skin because they are not just simple to make but are cost-effective as well.Some people find it hard to adapt because of the mind set created by commercial instant products but surely they should be adopted because they come with no side-effects.What you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat.The main concern for commercial products is that more often then not they contain chemicals that are absorbed by your skin finding their way into the bloodstream which can be harmful to your overall health.
Oily Skin:
Mix ½ cup cooked oatmeal,1 egg white,1 Tablespoon lemon juice,and ½ cup mashed apple into a smooth paste.Apply it to the face and leave on for 15 minutes.
Dry Skin:
Alder buckthorn(Frangula alnus),available from Herbalists is used mostly as a tincture or in syrup,can be used to make a lotion for dry skin.Steep 100 grams of the fluid in 1 liter of boiling water.Allow it to cool,and then apply as a lotion or compress.
Mash potatoes to a creamy texture with a little milk and mix with a few drops of glycerin and rose water.Apply this mixture to the area where skin is wrinkled.Potatoes are excellent sources of minerals,which are good for the skin.
Take chunks of fresh cucumber,seeded,and pureed.1 tsp.lemon juice,1 egg white,1 tbsp yogurt and 2 tsp powdered milk.This paste is great for cleansing the skin as well as easing of freckles.
Burn marks and Scars:
Mix 20 drops lavender essential oil,20 drops geranium essential oil 2 drops rose essential oil,and 4 ounces Aloe Vera juice Add the oils to the aloe juice in a bottle.Shake before using.Apply on the areas of the burn or scar marks.
Skin Toner:
Make an herbal infusion of chamomile or lavender flowers by pouring near-boiling water over 2 to 3 tablespoons of fresh or dried flower tops.Simply add 1 ounce,or 2 tablespoons,of cider vinegar and mix well.Pour this lotion into a spray bottle or mister for easy application.Use daily after cleansing the skin.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Skin Care Oil

Oily skin is shiny,thick and dull colored.Often a chronically oily skin has coarse pores and pimples and other embarrassing blemishes.It is prone to blackheads.In this type of skin,the oil producing sebaceous glands are overactive and produce more oil than is needed.The oil oozes and gives the skin a greasy shine.The pores are enlarged and the skin has a coarse look.
Causes of Oily Skin
*Heredity *Diet *Hormone levels *Pregnancy *Birth control pills *Cosmetics you use *Humidity and hot weather
Because of the hormonal shifts of adolescence,oily skin is common in teenagers,but it can occur at any age.In general,skin tends to become dryer with age.The flow of sebum or oil increases during adolescence and starts decreasing with age.During pregnancy and menopause,hormonal imbalances can also upset the oil balance and increase the activity of sebaceous glands.
Many people have skin that is oily only in certain areas and dry or normal in others,a condition known as combination skin.
Skin Care for Oily Skin
The great advantage of oily skin is that it ages at a slower rate than other skin types.
Oily skin needs special cleansing with plenty of hot water and soap to prevent the pores from being clogged.Avoid harsh products that strip your skin of oil and encourage flakiness.They can cause a reaction known as reactive seborrhoea,where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for the loss of natural oils.
Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated.They cause the upper layers of the skin to shrink.This restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts.
To cleanse oily skin,use oil-based products as they dissolve sebum effectively.Opt for oil-free moisturizers to maintain a shine-free complexion.
Keep your skin very clean.Limit washing your face to two or three times a day.Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.
Choose your cleanser with care.Avoid heavy cleansing creams.Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers.Use a pure soap with no artificial additives.Try an antibacterial cleansing lotion or a lightly medicated soap,and use it in combination with a water rich in minerals,not tap water.Do not use cleansers or lotions that contain alcohol.After cleansing,apply a natural oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin supple.
Use hot water when washing your face.Hot water dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water.
If your skin is extremely oily,three or four daily cleansings may be in order and little or no moisturizing necessary before you are 30 years old.After that point,the skin around your eyes and mouth and on your throat may benefit from a nightly moisturizing,plus a mere touch of moisturizer in the morning.
When cleansing,massage your face well with your fingertips,using an upward and outward motion.Be careful not to rub soap into the skin;it can clog pores.
If your oily skin is scaly,you can often correct the problem by using a deep-cleaning exfoliant on alternate nights,and following the treatment with a light coating of moisturizer.
Try using a clay or mud mask.If you have sensitive skin,use white or rose-colored clays.
Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish,and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.
Choose cosmetic and facial care products specifically designed for oily skin.
Before applying makeup,use an antiseptic day cream with active ingredients that diminish sebaceous secretions.Look for benzyl peroxide in the list of active ingredients.
Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish,and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.
Natural Skincare
Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together.
If your skin is excessively oily,mix in a few drops of eau de cologne.This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent,thereby preventing acne.
To prevent the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead,chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas,apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face,dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup.
If your whole face turns patchy after makeup is applied on it,then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel.Dry well before putting on your makeup.
Choose an astringent that contains acetone,which is known for dissolving oil.Strong astringents will do more harm than good,stimulating an overproduction of oil.
To clear away excess oil,use a clay or mud mask.Blend together well 1 teaspoon green clay powder and 1 teaspoon raw honey.Apply the mixture to your face,avoiding the eye area.Leave it on for fifteen minutes,then rinse well with lukewarm water.Do this at least three times a week--or more.
Once or twice daily,mix equal parts of lemon juice and water together.Pat mixture on your face and allow it to dry,then rinse with warm water.Follow with a cool-water rinse.
Diet for Oily Skin
Take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar,fluids and salt.
Take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.
Have your blood brought up to par by the suitable administration of necessary vitamins,iron and similar substances.
Even a slight deficiency in vitamin B2 can cause oily skin.Nutritional yeast,wheat germ and organ meats provide both vitamin B5 and vitamin B2.Other good sources of vitamin B2 are whole grains,beans,nuts,and royal jelly.Buckwheat,black beans and whole rice are excellent to supply the body with iron and rejuvenate pate skin.
Drink plenty of quality water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out toxins.
Reduce the amount of fat in your diet.Avoid pork and fried and highly seasoned foods.Consume no animal fats,or heat-processed vegetable oils.
Do not cook with oil.Do not eat any oils that have been subjected to heat,whether in processing or cooking.If a little oil is necessary,such as in salad dressing,use cold-pressed canola or olive oil only.
Do not drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages.Avoid sugar,chocolate,and junk food.
Essential Oils For Oily Skin
Herbs for Oily Skin
Aloe vera has excellent healing properties.Apply aloe vera gel topically,as needed.
Burdock root,chamomile,horsetail,oat straw,and thyme nourish the skin.
Lavender is very good for oily skin.Mist your skin with lavender water several times daily.
A facial sauna using lemongrass,licorice root,and rosebuds is good for oily skin.Two or three times a week,simmer a total of 2 to 4 tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs in 2 quarts of water.When the pot is steaming,place it on top of a trivet or thick potholder on a table,and sit with your face at a comfortable distance over the steam for fifteen minutes.You can use a towel to trap the steam if you wish.After fifteen minutes,splash your face with cold water and allow your skin to air dry or pat it dry with a towel.After the sauna,you can allow the herbal water to cool and save it for use as a toning lotion to be dabbed on your face with a cot-ton ball after cleansing.
Witch hazel applied to the skin is excellent for absorbing oil.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hair Care Advice

Hair Care Tips and Advice
Name one woman who has never been concerned about her hair.We are always trying to make it look more beautiful,healthier,more thick,more bouncy,more lustrous and just more gorgeous.Hair care is not just a quick shampoo;in fact most of us have just a little extra regimen to take care of it.We are here to help you understand your hair and its problems better,along with tips to nourish it.
Firstly,if you pick out a shampoo for oily hair when your hair is actually dry,it will only damage your hair.Understanding the kind of hair you have is important;the proof lies in that nearly all shampoo brands produce different products for different kinds of hair.Your hair can be oily,dry or balanced.Find out what your hair type is so you can nourish it better.
The fascinating aspect of our bodies is that any intrinsic problems we may suffer from will reflect on our physical health.The lack of nutrients can be easily identified when our hair,skin and nails begin to look unhealthy.When your hair falls or when it looks damaged,it may be either because of certain external factors or due to the imbalance or deficiency of nutrients.
If your hair falls excessively,becomes brittle,or loses luster it is a sign for you to examine what you are doing wrong.Sometimes it may just be the products you are using which are unsuitable for your hair type.Ageing and environmental changes may also be the bad guys.But most often,it may be a medical condition such as anemia that you may be suffering from.
Taking certain vitamins may be most helpful in improving the condition of your hair.B group of vitamins among other kinds,are proven to cure many hair problems such as hair loss,dandruff,graying etc.We have a concise list of vitamins and their benefits,which can help you,correct problems as well as maintain your hair.
Dandruff which most of us suffer from at some point in our lives is truly a painful and unwanted affair.Apart from the itching,it simply looks bad.Learn why dandruff occurs and exactly how to fix this problem.Sometimes a good shampoo can do the trick and sometimes you may need the intervention of a doctor.
How about graying? With age,it is inevitable for our hair to lose its natural color but these days age is just one of the causes.Stress and environmental conditions have turned many heads gray irrespective of age.Most people are therefore relying on hair color to help them look their age! Hair color is not just about dyeing but it is an art in itself with so many different nuances attached to it.Learn more about it so you can do justice to your hair.
With age,our physical problems seem to increase but it does not have to bring you down.It is all-dependent on the initiative you take to maintain your gorgeous locks and healthy body.