
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weight Loss Eating

Weight Loss
Tightening the Belt on Fat
Combating weight is an issue for most,and WILD has an array of functional ingredients to help health-conscious consumers to feel and look healthier.
Studies have shown caffeine increases metabolism while increasing energy.
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate is an essential trace mineral.This mineral helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and assists in the processing of fats and proteins.
Fiber has good water-binding properties that help curb appetite.It is a prebiotic,meaning that it stimulates the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria.Fiber has also been shown to support heart health and maintain regularity.
Tonalin®Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA)
With a proper diet,Conjugated Linoleic Acid may aid in maintenance of healthy weight by reducing overall body fat content.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia improves glucose function and increases serotonin levels,reducing appetite.Garcinia Cambogia shifts the body’s preferred energy source from carbohydrates to fats,a very desirable trait for those consumers interested in weight loss.
Chitosan is a cellulose-like dietary fiber.It is positively charged in the gastrointestinal tract and can bind to fatty acids and bile acids.It is reported to reduce or block the body’s absorption of fat.
Guarana(also known as guaranine)boosts energy and has been show to help metabolism.
Luo Han Guo–Deflavored
Compounds extracted from the fruit called Mogrosides give a pleasant and sweet taste,without elevating blood sugar and contributing few calories.Mogrosides are up to 250 times sweeter than sugar,requiring a lower dosage for the same taste.
Chlorogenic Acid(Green Coffee Extract)
Chlorogenic Acid may reduce the absorption of carbohydrates that are consumed.Clinical studies have suggested that chlorogenic acid used as part of a healthy diet helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.Chlorogenic acid may also preserve natural antioxidants in the body and decrease the production of free radicals.
Green Tea Catechins
Green Tea Catechins,with proper diet,may aid in the maintenance of healthy weight.The catechin compounds in green tea,especially EGCG,have been reported to have a thermogenic effect—causing an increase in metabolism.
Stevia is a plant leaf extract used as a natural,high intensity sweetener.The sweet taste has a slower onset and longer duration than sugar.It is 250-300 times sweeter than sugar.It falls under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act(DSHEA).
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate provides a boost of energy and helps you stay alert and focused.Studies have shown it has a thermogenic effect,and it also contains chlorogenic acid to help reduce absorption of carbohydrates.
Cocoa Extract
Cocoa is rich in antioxidants,alkaloids such as caffeine and theobromine,and compounds such as 2-phenylethylamine(PEA).Caffeine and theobromine have a thermogenic effect on the body and increase metabolism.PEA has been shown to induce the release of dopamine,which helps reduce stress and tension,thereby controlling emotional eating.
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid responsible for the brown color in certain seaweeds such as wakame and hijiki.Japanese researchers have found that it helps maintain a healthy weight by controlling overall body fat.Fucoxanthin may also promote the formation of DHA,an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish.

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