
Thursday, September 3, 2009

mens electric shaving razor

You looked different this morning. While brushing your teeth, you gazed into the mirror and there it was — hair sprouting all over your face. It's definitely cool, but you're not quite sure whether you want to grow that big bushy beard and moustache just yet. It's time to start shaving (as if you didn't have enough things to do first thing in the morning).Actually, shaving's no big deal once you get the hang of it. It's quick, easy, and if you follow the tips outlined below, absolutely painless.

Razor Basics

Shaving is simply using a razor to remove the tip of the hair shaft that has grown up through the skin. Razors come in a bunch of different forms. There are standard razors that are either completely disposable or have a disposable blade that needs to be replaced regularly, and there are electric razors.Using an electric razor can be quick and convenient, but many guys find that it may not give the close and accurate shave that a standard razor can. Although using an electric razor is pretty easy (just turn it on and move it around your face), shaving with a standard razor has a few rules to follow.When you're using a standard razor, the most important item you need is a clean, sharp blade (the best razors have at least two blades and a movable head). Try to avoid shaving with a dull or blunt blade. At best, a dull blade will give you an uneven shave and leave you with redness, blotches, and patches of unshaven hair on your face and neck. At worst, a dull blade will remove a fair amount of your skin along with the hair! Don't be afraid of changing the blade (or the razor, if you're using the disposable kind) often. You'll be glad you did.Shaving scrapes natural oils off your face, so the next most important item is some sort of shaving gel to keep your skin from becoming too dry and reduce friction from the razor. Pick a gel you think sounds good and give it a try. If you choose a shaving gel that is mentholated (it will say that on the label), be aware that menthol can sometimes cause a slight reaction with some types of skin and may result in red blotches. If this happens to you, don't worry. Just switch to a non-mentholated shaving cream.

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